
California Schools Defy Left: Parents Get Gender Switch Say

Once again, California is making headlines for its outrageous policies. This time, it’s the Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District, which has passed a new policy aimed at protecting parents’ rights. That’s right, folks – they actually think that parents should have a say in their child’s gender identity. How dare they!

According to reports, the school district will now notify parents if their child requests to be identified as a gender other than their biological sex. Can you believe the audacity? It’s almost as if these bureaucrats think that parents should be involved in the lives of their own children. What a novel concept!

Of course, the policy was met with opposition from the usual suspects. One mother in the district complained that teachers keeping secrets was not good for kids, families, or teachers. Oh, please! What about the rights of the child to keep their gender identity a secret from their own parents? Clearly, this mother doesn’t understand the importance of progressive values like secrecy and deception.

But this battle over parental notification is not unique to Dry Creek. It seems that school districts all over California are grappling with this issue. The Chino Valley Unified School District recently implemented its own policy, which led to a lawsuit from none other than California’s Democrat Attorney General, Rob Bonta. These liberals just can’t stand the idea of parents having a say in their child’s life, can they?

And let’s not forget the recent case where a California school district had to fork over $100,000 to settle a lawsuit from a mother who claimed they supported her child’s gender transition without her knowledge. It’s clear that privacy and secrecy are more important to these bureaucrats than the rights of parents.

In the end, it’s just another example of the radical left’s attempt to undermine traditional values and destroy the family unit. They want to erode parental rights and replace them with their own agenda. But we won’t let them. We will continue to fight for the rights of parents to be involved in their children’s lives, because that’s what true conservatism is all about – protecting the values that made this country great.

Written by Staff Reports

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