
Caucus Faces Pronoun Peril: A Brave Stand or a Fall?

In a shocking twist of events, the conservative House Freedom Caucus has found itself embroiled in a scandal involving one of its own staffers, Abigail Angelos. The young communications staffer made waves by daring to include her pronouns, “She/Her,” in her LinkedIn bio. The horror! Thankfully, the Daily Caller swooped in to save the day by pressuring Angelos to remove such offensive information.

Republican Virginia Rep. Bob Good, known for his epic battles against the leftist mainstream media, defended Angelos against the sinister tactics of the Daily Caller. Good rightfully called out the outlet for stooping to new lows by targeting a mere junior staffer for simply expressing her gender identity. The audacity!

Let’s not forget Angelos’ brief stint at Fox Corporation, where she worked as a producer’s associate. Ah, Fox, the beacon of conservative values… or not. It seems even they have succumbed to the leftist agenda of using preferred pronouns. Shameful! And let’s not even get started on their coverage of a 5-year-old child transitioning. The horror!

The House Freedom Caucus, a group of brave and uncompromising conservatives, now finds itself under scrutiny for daring to employ someone who dares to acknowledge their pronouns publicly. How scandalous! Yet, let’s remember, these are the same courageous individuals like Reps. Lauren Boebert and Jim Jordan who fight tirelessly for our conservative values every day.

The real travesty here is not Angelos’ pronouns in her LinkedIn bio, but the continued assault by the liberal media on anything remotely conservative. Stay strong, House Freedom Caucus, and keep fighting the good fight against the tyranny of pronoun usage!

Written by Staff Reports

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