
CBS Assault on First Amendment: Seizes Reporter’s Files After Hunter Biden Scoop

CBS News has been caught red-handed in a shocking and tyrannical move that has sent shockwaves through the journalistic community. Last week, they unceremoniously axed respected investigative reporter Catherine Herridge in a move that left her colleagues stunned. But the real bombshell came after her termination, when CBS seized her personal files, violating the sacred trust between journalists and their employers.

This unprecedented move by CBS is nothing short of an assault on the First Amendment and a direct attack on whistleblowers. The seizure of Herridge’s confidential files is a chilling reminder to anyone considering blowing the whistle on corruption and malfeasance in the Biden administration: the mainstream media cannot be trusted to protect their sources.

The timing of Herridge’s termination, as she was actively pursuing stories on Hunter Biden and the Biden White House, raises serious suspicions. Her relentless pursuit of stories that were unwelcomed by the Biden administration and Democratic powerhouses likely did not sit well with the CBS executives. It’s clear that her reporting struck a nerve, leading to her sudden dismissal and the shocking seizure of her personal files.

CBS News’ feeble attempt to downplay the severity of their actions cannot be taken at face value. Their claim that they are not rummaging through Herridge’s files is hardly reassuring, especially given the sensitive subject matter at hand. The network’s heavy-handed approach has left many in the media industry stunned and worried about the dangerous precedent it sets for the future of journalism.

The implications of CBS’ actions are far-reaching, with serious concerns about the impact on the First Amendment and the ability of journalists to protect their sources. If mainstream media outlets are now in the business of seizing the files of terminated employees, potential whistleblowers may think twice before coming forward with crucial information that holds the powerful accountable.

Despite CBS News’ attempts to save face, their actions speak volumes. This egregious violation of journalistic ethics should serve as a wake-up call to all those who still believe in the integrity of the mainstream media. The trust has been broken, and the chilling effect on whistleblowers is undeniable.

In the face of such despicable behavior, one must ask: do you trust CBS News? The answer, especially given their handling of Herridge’s files, is a resounding no. It’s time for the American people to demand accountability and transparency from the mainstream media, because the days of blindly trusting their integrity are long gone.

Written by Staff Reports

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