Margaret Brennan of CBS News is at it again, this time attempting to rewrite history with a narrative that is as historically challenged as it is ridiculous. In a recent segment, she proposed that the Holocaust was partly a consequence of “too much freedom of the press.” Yes, you read that correctly. This assertion comes straight from the depths of leftist absurdity, where logic takes a backseat to ideology. The claim not only showcases a staggering lack of understanding of the Holocaust’s roots but also serves as a textbook example of the left’s recent obsession with censorship.
To say that the Nazis thrived on too much free speech is akin to blaming a lack of dance parties for the horrors of the Holocaust. The entire regime was built on state-controlled propaganda, with Joseph Goebbels at the helm—an undeniable fact that Brennan and her ilk seem to conveniently ignore. Marco Rubio, the Secretary of State, pointed out the obvious fallacy in Morgan’s argument, but the response should have been much more robust. A Hulk-like tantrum, complete with furniture flipping and incredulous looks, might have been warranted when faced with such an outlandish take.
This is being shared everywhere, and it should be, because it’s historically illiterate, antagonistic to a fundamental value, and done so condescendingly from a highly paid “news” desk.
CBS Margaret Brennan blames free speech for the Holocaust.— Will Cain (@willcain) February 16, 2025
Even some liberal commentators are scratching their heads over Brennan’s comments, characterizing them as “clownish” and outright bonkers. It’s undeniable that the current climate fosters a tendency to twist historical events into modern debates, but is there any level of absurdity that isn’t on the table? The thesis that excessive free speech led to the rise of Nazi Germany deserves its own spot in the Hall of Fame of absurd WWII analogies, a cabinet already filled to the brim.
The cherry on the top of this dismal cake was a CBS segment on “60 Minutes,” which somehow managed to pivot to Germany’s limits on free speech. In a bizarre juxtaposition, they showcased a country that enforces strict laws against “false information,” actively sending police after those who dare to post anything deemed inappropriate. So, while the liberal elite lecture Americans about safeguarding democracy, they hold Germany’s draconian policies as paragons of public safety. What a world we live in where the tactics of a totalitarian regime are seen as a guiding light.
The irony is palpable: while Brennan and her comrades preach about protecting society from the dangers of free expression, they unwittingly mirror the authoritarian tactics of regimes like China. Rather than learning from history, they seem intent on repeating it, all while patting themselves on the back for their virtuous stance. The citizens of Germany are now enduring yet another round of censorship, contrary to the hard-fought freedoms won just a few decades ago when the Berlin Wall fell. Americans should take note—this is what a slip into authoritarianism looks like, all while the mainstream media cheerfully ignores the chilling implications.