
CCDH & China: Taxpayer-Funded Plot to Silence Conservatives?

In the digital age, the battle for free speech has extended to the virtual frontiers of social media and Big Tech platforms. But let’s face it, folks, those progressive authoritarians just can’t stand dissenting viewpoints. Lucky for them, they’ve found a sneaky way to silence ideas they don’t like without violating the pesky First Amendment.

Enter the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), a group claiming to combat misinformation and disinformation online. Sounds noble, right? Well, hold onto your MAGA hats because it turns out they conned the IRS into granting them tax-exempt status. That’s right, they hoodwinked the system, folks.

The State Department, in all its wisdom, has been providing funding to these self-proclaimed guardians of truth. And what do they do with that money? They pressure companies like Google to demonetize or remove conservative sites like ZeroHedge and The Federalist. Talk about censorship, folks! These folks are trying to silence voices that dare to challenge the progressive narrative.

But it doesn’t end there, my friends. The CCDH has set its sights on conservative publishers like the Daily Wire, TownHall, and Breitbart for the crime of disagreeing with their position on climate policy. They’re not just countering digital hate, they’re spreading it themselves by targeting conservative voices and trying to shut them down online.

And who’s behind all this nonsense? Surprise, surprise, it’s none other than China. That’s right, the CCDH has deep ties to Communist China. They’re funded by a leftist eco-group that’s cozying up to China’s Belt and Road Initiative. It’s like the left is in bed with the communists, folks. No wonder they want to silence conservative voices.

But the real kicker is that all this is being done with your hard-earned taxpayer dollars. That’s right, the government is using your money to fund organizations that silence dissenting speech. It’s like paying for your own censorship. And most people don’t even realize it’s happening.

So, folks, we need to raise a fuss about this. We can’t let the progressive left and their friends in Big Tech get away with silencing conservative voices. It’s time to stand up for free speech and expose the shady tactics of groups like the CCDH. Let’s make sure our voices are heard loud and clear, even if it means ruffling a few liberal feathers along the way.

Written by Staff Reports

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