
CIA’s Dirty Tricks Exposed: Brennan’s Spy Games Against Trump Revealed!

The recent reports from Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag have blown the lid off the intelligence community’s shady dealings against the Trump team. The documents and reports have uncovered an illegal spy operation that predates the FBI’s counterintelligence probe, and guess who was quarterbacking this scheme? Obama’s CIA, led by none other than John Brennan, cooked up some seriously sketchy business in their 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. They roped in our allies and brought the total to a whopping 26 individuals with ties to the former president, all illegally placed under surveillance. It’s like a spy movie, but with way less cool gadgets and a whole lot of corruption.

Matt Taibbi, a former Rolling Stone editor, dove deep into how this scandal is even worse than the shoddy intelligence that led us into the Iraq War back in 2003. The IC cooked the books just like it did back then, and oh boy, did they mess up. This time, they had it out for Trump, and they didn’t let pesky little things like facts get in their way. They cherry-picked their intelligence, shut down anyone who disagreed with them, and even brushed aside the State Department and the Defense Intelligence Agency. It’s like they were playing a game of “let’s ignore the truth” while the fate of our country hung in the balance.

And get this, they tried to push the whole Russian collusion narrative, all while evidence pointed to the Russians actually wanting Hillary Clinton to win. Talk about a major oopsie! But they didn’t let little details like that stop them. They kept on chugging, turning a blind eye to dissenting opinions within the intelligence community and using our tax dollars to pay informants who were oh-so-generously compensated for their efforts in setting up Trump associates for surveillance.

But wait, there’s more! The worst part is that the top players in this whole collusion hoax have escaped accountability and are even shaping our national security policy today. It’s like a bad sequel to a movie you never wanted to see in the first place. And if you’re thinking this is all just partisan nonsense, think again. We need to see those classified documents to clear the air and hold these folks accountable. We can’t afford to turn a blind eye and let them run amok once again.

So what’s next? Well, if these shady characters think they can get away with it, they’ll do it again. And this time, they might already be cooking up their next scheme. We need to hold them accountable and make sure they think twice before pulling off another dirty tricks campaign. It’s time to make the government fear the people, not the other way around. But fear not, because with the truth coming to light, there’s hope for justice yet.

Written by Staff Reports

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