
CNN Anchor Slams Keith Olbermann on Biden’s Age Debate: Who’s the Disaster Now?

In yet another glorious moment of Keith Olbermann getting dunked on, the failed former MSNBC anchor found himself on the receiving end of a verbal beatdown from CNN anchor Abby Phillip. It all started when Phillip made a surprising comment about Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley and her remarks on the ages of Joe Biden and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. Olbermann, the consummate Biden apologist, couldn’t handle it and went on a Twitter rampage, declaring Phillip’s show an “absolute disaster.” But Phillip didn’t back down; she called Olbermann out for being a nasty and irrelevant Twitter troll. Ouch!

Sure, CNN as a whole is undeniably a disaster, with ratings plummeting to the basement. But let’s not ignore the fact that Olbermann himself is a walking disaster. It’s no surprise that he’s always been quick to defend Biden, considering his own history of being a liberal mouthpiece. Olbermann better get used to the age question being talked about, because it’s not going away anytime soon. And if Biden wins the election, it’s only going to get worse for him, considering all the concerning things Biden has said and done over the past three years. The age issue will also be raised for Trump, because that’s how debate and discussion work. Instead of throwing tantrums on Twitter, Olbermann should try adding something substantive to the conversation for once. But knowing him, that’s probably too much to ask.

It’s no secret that CNN has a bias problem. They consistently toe the line of left-wing ideology and rarely provide fair and balanced reporting. So when even a CNN anchor like Abby Phillip is willing to acknowledge the age issue with Biden, you know it’s significant. Olbermann can whine and cry all he wants about CNN legitimizing the age question, but the truth is, it’s a legitimate concern for many Americans. We deserve to know if our potential next president is mentally and physically fit for the job. This isn’t about attacking Biden; it’s about holding him accountable. Olbermann’s attempts to silence any discussion on the topic only further expose his own biases and lack of intellectual honesty.

At the end of the day, Olbermann’s Twitter rants and insults are nothing more than the desperate cries of a has-been trying to stay relevant. His irrelevance is crystal clear, and no amount of nasty remarks on social media will change that. It’s time for Olbermann to come to terms with his fading relevance and decide whether he wants to continue being a bitter troll or actually contribute something meaningful to the conversation. But let’s be honest, we all know which direction he’s likely to choose. So maybe it’s time for him to finally delete his Twitter account for good. It would save us all from having to endure his nonsensical ramblings.

Written by Staff Reports

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