
CNN Can’t Deny It: Trump’s 2024 Comeback Shocks Liberal Media!

In a stunning turn of events, Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), a staunch supporter of former President Trump, tweeted out an article from CNN that acknowledges the very real chance of Trump winning another term. Now, this is the same CNN that has been bashing Trump nonstop for years, so you know it’s a big deal when even they can’t deny his chances.

The article, written by senior data reporter Harry Enten, goes into detail about how Trump is in an incredibly strong position for a non-incumbent to win the Republican nomination. He’s pulling in more than 50% of support in national primary polls, leaving his competitors in the dust. And let’s not forget that he already won the nomination once before, so it’s not exactly a stretch to think he can do it again.

But what’s truly astounding is that despite facing not one, but two indictments, Trump remains competitive in a potential rematch with President Joe Biden. Polls show a close race between the two, with Trump either tied or narrowly ahead. It’s a true testament to Trump’s appeal and the fact that Biden is just not that popular. I mean, come on, who really likes Joe Biden?

Now, I know what you’re thinking. How is this possible? How can Trump still have a chance with all these indictments hanging over his head? Well, folks, that’s the power of Trump. He has a loyal base of supporters who see these indictments as nothing more than partisan attacks. They’ve rallied around him, boosting his fundraising and standing by his side. And let’s not forget that the American people are skeptical of these charges too. A poll showed that 75% of Republicans believe the investigations against Trump are politically motivated. So, it’s clear that there’s more to this story than meets the eye.

Even with the recent indictment by Special Counsel Jack Smith for charges related to January 6, CNN still admits that Trump can win. They even discuss the possibility of Trump serving as president if convicted. Sure, there are some legal hurdles to overcome, but let’s face it, Trump knows how to play the game. He could get his Justice Department to dismiss the case or even pardon himself. The man is a master at getting things done.

So, while the mainstream media continues to panic about Trump’s return to the presidency, it’s clear that Trump has a real shot at winning in 2024. He defied the odds once before, and he can do it again. His base is fired up, and the American people are tired of Biden’s lackluster leadership. The 2024 election is still over a year away, and anything can happen, but one thing’s for sure – Trump is here to stay, and the liberals better start preparing themselves.

Written by Staff Reports

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