
CNN Circus: Fumbling Bias & Bumbling Ex-Staff’s Left-Wing Maze!

CNN, the liberal bastion, continues to stumble and bumble, meandering through leadership changes like a lost duck in a storm. Their ratings are as low as the integrity of some of their former employees. It seems like the left-wing bias denial dance they’ve been doing is turning into a full-blown circus act without a tent.

Take Chris Cillizza, for example. This guy has more bias than a tilted seesaw. He got the boot from CNN but didn’t take his liberal pom-poms with him. Nope, he’s out there rooting for Democrats like they’re the home team in the Super Bowl. Talk about being stuck in the echo chamber!

Then there’s John Harwood, the White House correspondent turned Biden hype man. He pumped up the current administration like it was a flat tire on the campaign trail. And don’t get him started on John Avlon, who now wants to tackle politics from a cushy congressional seat. Surprise, surprise, he’s running as a Democrat. It’s like watching a rerun of a bad sitcom where all the jokes fall flat.

It’s no wonder CNN keeps fumbling the ball when they have ex-employees playing on the liberal team, waving their biased flags high and mighty. The biased legacy lives on, like a bad rerun of a soap opera nobody asked for. The only facts they put first are the ones that fit their narrative, leaving America scratching its head and searching for real news in a sea of partisan chatter.

So, the next time you tune into CNN, remember – it’s like watching a rerun of a comedy show that was never funny to begin with. Trust in the media? About as rare as a unicorn sighting in Central Park. Stick to alternative sources, folks, because the truth is out there somewhere, hidden under layers of bias and liberal hoopla. Let’s hope CNN finds its way out of the left-wing maze soon, or it might just become a lost cause.

Written by Staff Reports

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