
CO High Court Blocks Trump! GOP United in Fury Over Ballot Ban

The Colorado Supreme Court made a truly boneheaded decision about Donald Trump that has got all the conservatives’ knickers in a twist. The court ruled that due to the 14th Amendment’s insurrection clause, Trump would not be able to appear on the 2024 ballot in Colorado. 

As soon as Trump’s Republican primary opponents heard this balderdash ruling, they all came rushing to his defense, like a bunch of knights rallying around their king. Colorado is the first state to rule in favor of these left-wing legal groups trying to keep Trump off the ballot, but thank goodness the United States Supreme Court will have the final say. The ruling is on hold for now, and Trump’s legal team is ready to fight this nonsense tooth and nail.

Colorado’s Supreme Court obviously doesn’t remember the last time Trump faced legal troubles because every time he does, Republican voters come running to his side like he’s handing out free candy. It’s like a Pavlovian response, but instead of drooling over a bell, they’re screaming “Trump! Trump! Trump!” at the top of their lungs.

I mean, come on now, even Vivek Ramaswamy, who has been the nicest primary opponent to Trump, is hopping mad about this decision. He’s so upset that he’s talking about withdrawing from the Colorado GOP primary altogether. Now, that’s saying something. Even the nicest guy in the room is about to flip the table over this nonsense.

And then we’ve got Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley all joining the chorus of Trump defenders, saying this whole thing is just a big ol’ mess. DeSantis is calling foul, saying the court is abusing its power, and he’s not wrong! This is just another ploy to trip Trump up and give Biden an easy win in the next election. 

It’s the American voters who should decide who gets to be on the ballot, not some uppity judges trying to play politics. Trump’s opponents can squawk all they want, but at the end of the day, the people spoke in a recent poll, and a whopping 83% of Republicans think these charges against Trump are a bunch of malarkey.

So, while the left and the courts keep trying to keep Trump down, his supporters just keep on rallying around him like a bunch of loyal puppies. These legal battles may be a pain in the neck, but for Trump, they’re just fueling the fire. 

Written by Staff Reports

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