
Coca-Cola Stealthily Scrubs BLM Backing from Site: Silent Retreat?

Coca-Cola, the soda company that everyone loves to hate, has found itself in hot water again. This time, it’s for their sneaky move of deleting their support for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement from their website. Talk about trying to hide your tracks! But of course, the ever-vigilant Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas wasn’t going to let them off the hook that easily.

Cruz, always ready to take on the woke left, demanded that Coca-Cola apologize for their support of the “far-left” BLM group, especially after they openly supported the terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians. Apparently, supporting racial justice is just one step away from supporting terrorism in Cruz’s book. Who knew?

It all started when BLM shared a post on their social media featuring a paraglider and a Palestinian flag, declaring their support for Palestine. But after facing massive backlash for their stance, they quickly hit the delete button. Classic move, guys.

But here’s the thing – before all of this drama, Coca-Cola was loud and proud about their support for BLM. They even mentioned the group on their website, talking about how they donated money to the Black Lives Matter Global Network to support their voting education efforts. But now, all mention of BLM has mysteriously disappeared from their website. It’s almost like they’re trying to pretend it never happened.

Senator Cruz wasn’t about to let Coca-Cola off the hook without a fight. He called them out on their sneaky editing practices and demanded a public apology. He even posted screenshots of the before and after versions of their website, just to rub it in their faces. According to Cruz, simply editing your website isn’t enough – Americans demand an apology.

So far, Coca-Cola has stayed silent on the issue. Maybe they’re hoping that if they ignore it, it will all just go away. But let’s be real, we all know that’s not going to happen. The woke left may try to erase their history, but conservatives like Cruz are always there to hold them accountable. Stay tuned to see how this fizzy feud unfolds.

Written by Staff Reports

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