
Colbert & AOC Push Debunked Hunter Biden Lies: Russian Propaganda or Desperation?

In a recent show, late-night host Stephen Colbert and U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continued to spread the debunked lies about the House investigation into Hunter Biden. The claim that the inquiry was based on Russian propaganda has been thoroughly discredited, yet these two still insist on pushing this false narrative. It’s not surprising, given their track record of bending the truth to fit their agenda.

Colbert highlighted comments from Rep. Mike Turner, who supported renewing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) despite documented cases of FISA abuse by intelligence officials targeting Trump campaign members and GOP staff. Turner dismissed concerns about FISA abuse as “Russian propaganda,” a claim that Colbert eagerly latched onto during his interview with AOC. It’s no shock that these two would seize on any opportunity to smear Republicans with baseless accusations.

During the interview, AOC echoed the same falsehoods, claiming that Republican lawmakers were spouting Russian propaganda in Congress. She even brought up the debunked theory that the impeachment of President Trump was based on information from a source connected to Russian intelligence. It’s laughable how far these Democrats will go to deflect from their own shady dealings and paint their political opponents as puppets of Russia.

Following the explosive reports about Hunter Biden’s laptop and his questionable foreign dealings, mainstream media and big tech colluded to suppress the story. They trotted out a memo signed by retired intelligence officials alleging Russian disinformation in an attempt to discredit the laptop’s contents. But as it turns out, the laptop was authentic, and the memo was a desperate attempt to protect the Bidens.

Former Acting CIA Director Mike Morrell, a Biden ally, orchestrated the memo to shield the Biden campaign from scrutiny. His ties to the campaign, along with assistance from current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, highlight the lengths Democrats will go to manipulate the truth for their benefit. It’s a classic case of the swamp protecting its own, no matter the cost to transparency and honesty.

Written by Staff Reports

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