
Comer Confident: ‘We Have Votes for Impeachment Inquiry’!

Well, well, well… it looks like the GOP is ready to shake things up in Washington! House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) is making some bold claims about President Joe Biden. In an interview with “Rob Schmitt Tonight” on Newsmax TV, Comer confidently declared that he has enough support in the House to launch an impeachment inquiry into Biden. Now that’s a game changer!

The mere mention of impeachment sends shockwaves through the political landscape. It’s a serious accusation, and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. But let’s not forget the incredible amount of controversy surrounding Biden’s presidency. From shoddy border policies to skyrocketing inflation, it seems like there’s never a dull moment in the Biden administration.

Now, I’m not saying that impeachment is the only solution. But it’s certainly worth considering. We can’t turn a blind eye to the mounting evidence against Biden and his questionable decisions. If Comer and his Republican colleagues truly have the votes to launch an impeachment inquiry, then they should proceed. The American people deserve answers and accountability.

It’s no secret that the mainstream media has a love affair with Biden. They’ve been quick to overlook his blunders and mistakes, while simultaneously demonizing any opposition. But let’s face it, no one is above the law, not even the President. If there’s substantial evidence of wrongdoing, it’s our duty to investigate.

So buckle up, folks. The political rollercoaster is about to take another wild turn. Whether or not the GOP succeeds in launching an impeachment inquiry remains to be seen. But one thing’s for sure, the fight for truth and justice is far from over.

Written by Staff Reports

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