
Cori Bush’s $60K Scandal: CDP Exposes Dem Hypocrisy in Campaign Finance Fiasco

In a shocking turn of events, the scandal surrounding Rep. Cori Bush’s (D-MO) campaign finance continues to spiral out of control. It seems that the Committee to Defeat the President (CDP) is not backing down, despite Rep. Bush’s demands for them to retract their complaints. This is a classic example of liberal hypocrisy at its finest.

The CDP has filed complaints with multiple agencies, alleging that campaign funds were used for Rep. Bush’s now-husband, Cortney Merritts. It is clear that Merritts was paid a whopping $60,000 by the campaign, despite not being licensed in security. This is a blatant misuse of campaign funds, and it is unacceptable.

In a letter from Rep. Bush’s counsel, it is claimed that Merritts does not need a license and that his services are “bona fide.” However, there is no evidence provided to support this claim. It is clear that Rep. Bush and her team are grasping at straws to defend their unethical behavior.

Furthermore, the letter from Rep. Bush’s counsel accuses the CDP of “throwing the kitchen sink” at the campaign and at Rep. Bush herself. This is a weak attempt to distract from the fact that Rep. Bush has violated House rules and federal law by using campaign funds for personal expenses. It is a sad state of affairs when a sitting Member of Congress tries to intimidate Americans from speaking out against her wrongdoing.

CDP’s counsel, Dan Backer, has responded to Rep. Bush’s letter with a scathing rebuttal. He points out that Rep. Bush has failed to provide any evidence to refute the allegations made by the CDP. In fact, some of the claims made in Rep. Bush’s letter only serve to further support the CDP’s complaints. It is clear that Rep. Bush is scrambling to save face.

Backer also highlights the fact that Rep. Bush’s payments to Merritts may have violated local laws. It seems that Rep. Bush is not only guilty of misusing campaign funds, but also of potentially breaking the law. This is a disgraceful display of corruption from someone who is supposed to be representing the people.

In conclusion, Rep. Cori Bush’s campaign finance scandal continues to unravel. The claims made by the CDP are not baseless, as Rep. Bush and her counsel would have us believe. It is clear that Rep. Bush has violated House rules and potentially even local laws. This is yet another example of the corruption that plagues the Democratic Party. It is time for Rep. Bush to be held accountable for her actions. The American people deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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