
Covington Slams LeBron: “Spineless Coward” Disrespects America

Colby Covington, the tough-as-nails contender in the UFC, didn’t waste a second in firing back at LeBron James for his recent national anthem snub. Covington, who has never been one to shy away from expressing his opinions, slammed the NBA superstar as a “spineless coward” and suggested that he should leave America if he hates it so much. Ouch!

In a fiery pre-fight press conference, Covington didn’t hold back, stating, “If you hate America so much and you don’t like this country that gave you a billion dollars, leave it. Or come deal with me.” Now, that’s a challenge LeBron won’t be able to ignore! Covington even suggested that James check out China for a change, where he allegedly employs laborers in sweatshops and pays them pennies on the dollar while raking in millions. Talk about hypocrisy!

LeBron James, who has made a habit of bashing America as a “racist” country and unjustly criticizing law enforcement, caused an uproar when he decided to sit during the national anthem at his son’s USC debut. While he claims it wasn’t a political statement, his track record proves otherwise. This isn’t the first time James has disrespected the anthem; he infamously kneeled after the death of George Floyd in 2020.

And let’s not forget his outrageous comments following the incidents involving Jacob Blake and Ma’Khia Bryant. Blake, a convicted sex offender, was rightfully shot while attempting to kidnap a child. Yet, astonishingly, James argued that this shooting demonstrates why black Americans are “terrified” of the police. Give us a break, LeBron! He also had the audacity to threaten the officer involved in the justified shooting of Ma’Khia Bryant, who was wielding a knife and trying to stab another girl.

It’s no wonder Covington labeled James as a “spineless coward,” repeatedly calling him out for attacking law enforcement and for disrespecting the values that make this country exceptional. Covington’s appreciation for the real heroes in America, like our law enforcement, military, and first responders, shines through in his scathing remarks towards James. He knows who truly deserves our respect and admiration.

So, LeBron James, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the country! Don’t bite the hand that feeds you and has given you immense wealth and fame. Colby Covington won’t back down, and it’s refreshing to see someone unafraid to stand up against those who spit on our great nation. God bless the true heroes and celebrities in this country and God bless America!

Written by Staff Reports

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