
DACA Declared Illegal: Obama’s Legacy Crumbles!

In a major blow to the legacy of former President Barack Obama, a federal judge has declared the DACA program illegal. This program, which allowed individuals brought to the United States illegally as children to stay in the country, has been a source of controversy for years. Finally, a judge with some common sense has recognized that it violates the law.

U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen issued the ruling on July 16, 2021, and it has been upheld by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Hanen made it clear that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is forbidden from implementing the DACA program until further notice. This is a resounding victory for the rule of law and a rebuke to the Biden administration, which has been pushing for amnesty and open borders.

While existing DACA recipients will be allowed to maintain their status, no new applications will be approved. It’s about time we put an end to this flagrant disregard for our immigration laws. The Biden administration’s attempt to circumvent the proper legislative process and unilaterally keep DACA alive has been rightly struck down.

Of course, the White House is not happy about this decision. In a statement, they expressed their disappointment and vowed to continue defending the DACA program. It’s no surprise that the Biden administration would defend an illegal and unconstitutional policy, considering their track record so far. They seem more interested in catering to the radical left and appeasing illegal immigrants than upholding the law.

This ruling is a reminder that no one, not even a former president, is above the law. It’s time to have an honest conversation about our immigration system and enforce our laws effectively. We cannot continue to reward those who break the rules while disregarding the consequences for law-abiding citizens.

It’s up to Congress to address the issue of immigration in a fair and constitutional manner. We need comprehensive immigration reform that prioritizes the safety and well-being of American citizens. It’s time to end the chaos and confusion created by policies like DACA and establish a system that works for everyone involved.

This ruling should serve as a wake-up call to those who think they can bend or ignore the law to suit their political agenda. The American people deserve a government that respects the rule of law and puts the needs of its citizens first. Let this be a step towards reclaiming our sovereignty and restoring order to our immigration system.

Written by Staff Reports

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