
Deep State Tricks: Hunter Indictment Sham Protects Bidens!

Another day, another cover-up by the deep state. It seems like Hunter Biden can’t catch a break when it comes to facing real consequences for his actions. The latest indictments brought against him by Special Counsel David Weiss are just another sleight-of-hand move to protect the Biden family from the consequences of their own corruption.

Sure, Weiss tried to charge Hunter, but conveniently allowed the more serious tax violations to expire due to the statute of limitations. It’s almost like he’s working on behalf of the Bidens rather than pursuing justice. And let’s not forget about the original sweetheart deal that got derailed after IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler spilled the beans.

The narrative being pushed now is that Weiss wasn’t the one calling the shots on charging Hunter, but that’s just smoke and mirrors. The FBI conveniently showed up with corroborating testimony to back up Weiss’s supposed innocence. It’s all a charade to make it seem like there’s accountability when in reality, the Bidens are being protected at all costs.

Former law clerk for Justice Neil Gorsuch, Mike Davis, hit the nail on the head when he called out Weiss for his deceptive pattern of protecting Hunter and ultimately, President Biden himself. Where are the charges related to foreign corruption, unregistered foreign agent activities, tax evasion, wire fraud, and other criminal behavior that could implicate the president? It seems like those offenses conveniently slip through the cracks.

President Biden knows he can’t pardon Hunter right now, that would bring too much attention and potentially disastrous consequences. But mark my words, after the 2024 election, Weiss will give Hunter yet another sweetheart deal and President Biden will swoop in with a pardon, maybe even for himself. Hunter won’t spend a single day behind bars.

What’s even more concerning is the possibility that the President of the United States may be compromised by foreign bribes and corruption. The allegations and evidence are there, but the Biden Justice Department will do everything in its power to sweep it under the rug. They’ll hide behind Hunter’s indictment, claim ongoing investigations, and refuse to answer any questions from Congress or the press.

The House should step up and grant Hunter immunity. The Biden Justice Department won’t seriously prosecute him anyway. It’s time to force Hunter to testify under oath and get some real answers. But of course, with Weiss’s special counsel appointment, congressional Republicans are now hamstrung in their attempts to investigate the Biden allegations. Impeachment might be the only way to expose the truth and hold the Bidens accountable.

Once again, the left has played their institutional game perfectly, rigging the system to protect their own. It’s a sad day for justice, but with unwavering conservative voices, we can continue to expose their corruption and fight for real accountability.

Written by Staff Reports

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