
Democrat U-Turn: Lawmaker Pleads for Border Closure Amidst Biden’s Blunders!

President Joe Biden’s re-election is facing a major roadblock with his own party turning against him on the issue of unchecked illegal immigration. Democratic Assemblywoman Jaime Williams of New York has joined the chorus of voices demanding action to address the crisis that is plaguing New York City. The urgency is palpable as nearly 2,000 migrants have been relocated to a high school in Williams’ own district, forcing students to switch to virtual learning. Williams minces no words in her call to close the borders and deal with the situation instead of putting American citizens in a predicament. She argues that it is unfair to the taxpaying Americans in her district and across the country.

Williams is particularly outraged by the disruptive effect this has on education, as a school is being taken over for the benefit of illegal immigrants. The community is also outraged, wondering what will happen next. Williams’ admissions are surprising but refreshing, as they signal a shifting tide within the Democratic Party. Even Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, a Democrat himself, admits that the problem is out of control, and it is wrong for his party to brush off objections to the massive influx of migrants.

Other Democrats, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser, have also admitted that their previously-declared sanctuary cities are reaching their breaking points. The blame is shifted towards GOP lawmakers who sent busloads of illegal immigrants to their jurisdictions. However, this admission about the pitfalls of open borders is a stark departure for Democrats. The consequences of open borders are becoming undeniable for voters, and this could spell trouble for Biden’s chances of re-election. His incompetence coupled with his party’s shift on this key issue may be the final straw for his campaign.

Written by Staff Reports

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