
Democrats Eye Michelle Obama: Savior or Divider? Unearthed Thesis Reignites Debate!

The Democratic Party might be considering ditching old Joe Biden for none other than Michelle Obama. But hold your horses, folks, because before we start touting her as the savior of the Democrats, let’s take a look at what’s cooking in her college thesis.

In this mind-boggling thesis, Michelle claims that America was founded on “crime and hatred” and she goes as far as to label whites as “ineradicably racist.” Well, slap a wig on Uncle Sam and call him Susie, because that’s some wild talk right there.

She seems to have missed the memo that most Americans opposed slavery and even fought a whole dang civil war to abolish it. And after that war, it was the Democratic Party, you heard that right, the same party she’s part of, that blocked civil rights legislation for years. That’s right, the Republican Party was the one opposing slavery and racist laws. Someone, please hand Michelle a history book, stat!

But wait, there’s more! Michelle’s thesis is practically oozing with divisive language. She talks about “separationist” and “integrationist” views of black people, and guess what? She’s all in for separationism. Yep, if you’re a minority and want to make it in the big leagues, Michelle calls you a sellout. How’s that for unity, huh?

And let’s not forget her claim that attending Princeton would lead her towards “further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society.” Say what now? Is she seriously suggesting that blacks can never fully participate in American society? That’s just plain silly! And to top it off, she’s not spilling the beans on her SAT scores from back in the day when she got into Princeton thanks to affirmative action. Shady, shady.

Turns out, her thinking mirrors that of Louis Farrakhan, who believes all whites are “blue-eyed devils.” And where did Michelle and her hubby Barack get a taste of this anti-white ideology? At the good ol’ Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church, of course. But shh, keep that on the down-low, because you can’t get the votes of millions of “ignorant white voters” with that kind of talk.

And there you have it, folks, straight from the horse’s mouth. If you want to take a peek at Michelle’s thesis and shake your head in disbelief, check it out here. But be warned, your brain might do a few Olympic-level gymnastics trying to make sense of it!

So, will the Democrats really swap Joe for Michelle? Well, from the looks of it, not if common sense has anything to say about it!

Written by Staff Reports

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