
Dems Break Ranks, Reject Biden’s Radical EV Plot – American Cars Saved!

Folks, it looks like even some Senate Democrats are realizing just how outlandish Joe Biden’s radical environmental plans are. A resolution was passed by the Senate recently, putting the brakes on one of the key parts of Biden’s push for electric vehicles (EVs).

In a vote of 53-47, Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin, Sherrod Brown, and Jon Tester, along with Independent Sen. Krysten Sinema, stood with Republicans to shut down a rule that aimed to phase out gas-powered cars. It’s about time some Democrats woke up to the reality that forcing Americans to ditch their reliable vehicles for expensive and impractical electric cars is just plain crazy.

The rule in question required states to measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from highway use. Thankfully, federal judges saw the light and ruled against this overreach. But of course, Biden still holds the power to veto the Senate’s decision. Let’s hope he sees the sense in letting Americans choose their own cars without unnecessary government interference.

And it’s not just the politicians who are starting to see the light. The electric vehicle industry itself is struggling as demand remains lackluster. A recent Gallup poll showed that while there’s a slight uptick in EV ownership, interest in actually buying one is on the decline. Looks like the American people aren’t too keen on Biden’s push for electric cars either.

To make matters worse for the Biden administration, they’re quietly pulling back on their ambitious EV targets. It seems like even they’re realizing that their pie-in-the-sky dreams of a complete transition to electric vehicles in the next decade are just not feasible. Maybe they should focus on real issues instead of trying to force their eco-friendly fantasies on hard-working Americans.

It’s heartening to see some Senate Democrats finally standing up against Biden’s extreme environmental agenda. Let’s hope more of them come to their senses and prioritize the needs and choices of the American people over virtue-signaling policies that do more harm than good.

Written by Staff Reports

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