
Dems Divided: AOC Leads Charge Against Biden’s Israel Stance!

Twenty-four House Democrats, led by Reps. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Mark Pocan, and Betty McCollum, are pressuring President Joe Biden to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. These Democrats are sounding the alarm about the escalating civilian casualties, particularly among children, in the region. They cite the staggering number of children killed and missing in the Gaza Strip and express grave concern about the intensifying war.

This letter represents the ongoing rift within the Democratic Party regarding their support for Israel’s efforts to combat Hamas. President Biden has previously reaffirmed the United States’ alliance with Israel following a deadly terrorist attack by Hamas, but members of the progressive “Squad” have adamantly criticized Israel’s retaliatory actions.

The divisions were further highlighted when the House Foreign Affairs Committee arranged for lawmakers to view graphic footage of Hamas’s attack. This bipartisan screening, provided by the Israeli Embassy, left some lawmakers visibly shaken, with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reportedly leaving the room in tears.

The Democrats’ call for a ceasefire comes amid mounting pressure on the Biden administration to intervene in Israel’s military operations and pursue humanitarian relief efforts. A Reuters-Ipsos poll found a decrease in public support for Israel’s actions against Hamas, with the majority of respondents favoring a ceasefire and negotiations.

Notably, progressive senators have not echoed their House counterparts’ fervent calls for a ceasefire, with Sen. Bernie Sanders advocating for an extended humanitarian pause instead. Despite some Democratic senators expressing concerns over civilian casualties, the party ultimately blocked a stand-alone aid bill for Israel, opting to combine it with funding for Ukraine and humanitarian assistance.

In contrast, Republican lawmakers have largely maintained their support for Israel, with some vocalizing their opposition to aiding Ukraine. GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has questioned aid to Israel, but the majority of Republicans continue to denounce calls for a ceasefire, emphasizing the need to address Hamas’s actions.

In the face of these political rifts, it’s clear that the issue of the Israel-Hamas conflict has become a pivotal and contentious matter. As the battle rages on, the question of how the United States should navigate its support for Israel and its stance on the ceasefire remains a point of significant debate.

Written by Staff Reports

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