
Dems’ Identity Crisis: Biden’s Racist Past Exposed by RFK Jr!

The Democrats are at it again, folks! Their obsession with identity politics knows no bounds. They love to divide people along racial, gender, ethnic, and religious lines, just so they can play the hero and swoop in with big government solutions. It’s truly remarkable, and by remarkable, I mean absolutely ridiculous.

Now, with Black History Month upon us, the Democrats are falling over themselves to remind everyone how much they’ve supposedly done for the black community. But here comes independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to set the record straight on Joe Biden’s troubling track record.

Kennedy wasted no time in pointing out Biden’s major missteps during his 50+ years in public office. Let’s take a walk down memory lane, shall we? Biden authored the infamous 1994 crime bill, which led to the mass incarceration of black Americans. Talk about a real achievement, Joe. And who can forget his offensive comment that “if you don’t vote for him, then you ain’t black”? I guess black Americans aren’t allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions anymore.

But that’s not all, folks. Biden extended penalties for young people charged with selling marijuana and even endorsed segregationist senators. Yep, you read that right. The guy who is now the Democratic frontrunner for president once supported politicians who wanted to keep black and white people separate. Quick question: how is this guy still even considered a viable candidate?

Oh, and let’s not forget Biden’s opposition to busing because he didn’t want his kids to grow up in a “racial jungle.” Yes, he actually said that. It’s quite clear where Biden’s true beliefs lie when it comes to race relations in this country.

Now, Biden’s team might try to spin his positions on forced busing, the 1994 crime bill, and marijuana penalties, but there’s no gray area when it comes to his past endorsement of segregationist senators. And let’s not overlook his 2020 comment that “you ain’t black” if you don’t vote for him. Talk about condescending.

It’s no wonder that black and Hispanic voters are starting to turn away from the Democratic Party. Just like female voters, they feel like their votes have been taken for granted. The Democrats assume these voters will always be in their pocket, but they’re in for a rude awakening.

People are waking up to the fact that identity politics has done more harm than good. The Democratic Party’s pandering and empty promises aren’t fooling anyone anymore. And with Biden’s nosedive in the polls and a growing number of third-party candidates, he’s going to have a tough time come November.

So, folks, keep an eye on the crumbling Democratic Party. They can’t hide their failures forever. And let’s make sure we don’t fall for their divisive identity politics. We deserve better than that.

Written by Staff Reports

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