
Dems Ignore Murdered Student: Fail on Immigration Exposed!

The tragedy surrounding the murder of University of Georgia nursing student Laken Hope Riley continues to shed light on the failures of the Democrats when it comes to illegal immigration. The suspect in her kidnapping and murder, 26-year-old Venezuelan man Jose Antonio Ibarra, is in the country illegally, yet Democrats are quick to deflect and distance themselves from this stark reality.

Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.) shows a disturbing lack of empathy when she downplays Riley’s death by claiming that one instance shouldn’t shape immigration policy. This callous disregard for the impact of illegal immigration on innocent citizens is typical of open borders Democrats who refuse to take responsibility for the consequences of their failed policies.

Conservatives like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.) are quick to correct Porter’s misguided statements, highlighting the need to address the direct consequences of illegal immigration. Democrats, from Porter to the Biden White House, continue to push for open borders while turning a blind eye to the real harm inflicted on law-abiding Americans like Riley.

The tragic case of Riley serves as a wake-up call for Americans who are fed up with the revolving door of illegal immigration that puts innocent lives at risk. Just as Terry McAuliffe’s dismissive comments on education led to his defeat in the Virginia gubernatorial race, Joe Biden’s inaction on illegal immigration could spell trouble for his administration if Republicans continue to hold him accountable for the consequences.

It is crucial for voters to remember Riley’s story and the impact of illegal immigration on our communities as we approach the next election. Democrats must be held accountable for their dangerous policies that prioritize political correctness over the safety of American citizens. The time for action is now, and voters have the power to demand change and protect our country from further harm.

Written by Staff Reports

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