In a recent Fox News poll, it has been revealed that the Democrat party voters are less than thrilled about the idea of President Joe Biden, who is a ripe old 81, being the presumed Democrat nominee to likely challenge former President Donald Trump. The survey shows that a whopping 54 percent of Democrat primary voters would prefer to have a different Democrat take the lead, while only 43 percent are on board with the idea of keeping Biden as their nominee. These numbers highlight the discord and confusion that is plaguing the Democrat party, all because Biden refused to step aside and make way for a different Democrat to represent the party.
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The poll also indicated that there has been a slight increase in negative sentiment towards Biden. Back in October, 53 percent of Democrat voters preferred an alternative to Biden, while 45 percent wanted to stick with him. In March, those numbers shifted slightly to 52 percent preferring an alternative and 44 percent wanting to keep Biden. It’s clear that the support for Biden is waning among Democrat primary voters, and it’s causing quite the ruckus within the party.
Adding fuel to the fire, Biden has made some intriguing comments in response to questions about his decision to run for reelection. He mentioned that he felt compelled to run, especially since Trump was in the race. But when asked if he would still run if Trump wasn’t in the picture, he seemed unsure. Previously, he had told donors that he probably wouldn’t run if Trump wasn’t running, but now his tune seems to have changed. This back-and-forth has only added to the uncertainty surrounding Biden’s candidacy.
To make matters worse for Biden, national and battleground state polling data has indicated that he is not in a strong position to challenge Trump. According to Morning Consult, Trump leads Biden in six of seven crucial swing states. NBC News reports that Trump is ahead of Biden by two points, and in the Fox News poll, Trump trounces Biden by four points. It’s clear that Biden has an uphill battle if he hopes to defeat Trump in the upcoming election.
It’s safe to say that the Democrat party voters are in a bit of a tizzy over the prospect of Biden being their nominee. With waning support, internal discord, and unfavorable polling data, it’s evident that the Democrat party has some serious soul-searching to do. If they want to put up a strong front against Trump in the upcoming election, they may need to reconsider their current path. This is Wendell Husebø reporting for your favorite conservative news outlet.