
Dems Push for Clemency for Cop Killer: Biden’s Test of Justice

Over 30 Democratic members of Congress are once again proving their commitment to putting criminals above law enforcement. According to ABC News, these misguided politicians are urging President Joe Biden to grant executive clemency to Leonard Peltier, a convicted cop killer. Yes, you heard that right. They want to free a man who brutally murdered FBI Special Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams.

Peltier was a leader in the American Indian Movement activist group back in the 1970s, but that doesn’t excuse his heinous crimes. In 1977, he was rightly sentenced to two life sentences for the cold-blooded murders on a South Dakota reservation. But now, the Democrats want to set him free? It’s clear that their commitment to justice is severely lacking.

These Democrats have the audacity to claim that Peltier’s imprisonment is an injustice. They argue that there were “constitutional violations and prosecutorial misconduct” during his trial. But let’s set the record straight. Peltier’s guilt has been thoroughly established, and the evidence against him is overwhelming. Even key figures from his prosecution have reiterated his guilt. So much for prosecutorial misconduct.

Furthermore, the Democrats try to appeal to our sympathy by emphasizing Peltier’s age and failing health. Well, excuse us if we don’t shed tears for a cop killer who has enjoyed almost five decades of life while his victims’ families have suffered immeasurable pain. Peltier is 79 years old now, but why should that matter? Age does not absolve someone of their crimes. Justice should be served regardless of how old or sick someone is.

It’s also worth noting that law enforcement organizations, like the National Fraternal Order of Police, vehemently oppose the Democrats’ request for clemency. They rightly argue that anyone who murders a law enforcement officer in cold blood should pay the price. Peltier executed these agents with no remorse, and yet some politicians believe he should be set free? It’s outrageous.

Former President Barack Obama saw through this misguided plea for clemency and declined it. Let’s hope President Biden follows in his footsteps and stands firm against these attempts to free a notorious cop killer. Peltier should stay behind bars for the rest of his life. Granting him clemency would be a slap in the face to law enforcement officers everywhere and a mockery of our justice system.

It’s time for these Democrats to prioritize the safety and well-being of our communities over the rights of criminals. Supporting someone like Leonard Peltier is an affront to the brave men and women who risk their lives every day to protect us. It’s time for our elected officials to show some backbone and stand up for justice.

Written by Staff Reports

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