
Dems Push to Free Felons Early; GOP Fights for Victims’ Rights!

Today in the big ol’ state of Illinois, the Democratic lawmaker, State Rep. Rita Mayfield, tried to push a bill through that would make it easier for three-time convicted felons to get out on parole. Can you believe that? Meanwhile, there were also some other bills being pushed that actually try to protect the victims. Crazy world we live in, folks.

So, this Mayfield lady is all like, “Hey, let’s not be so mean to those poor ol’ criminals. We shouldn’t keep ’em locked up like that. It’s just costing us taxpayers a whole lotta money to take care of ’em when they get old and sick.” Can you believe the nerve of some people? She even mentioned how she’s looking out for the taxpayers. Like, seriously? Maybe she should be looking out for the law-abiding citizens instead.

And get this, she’s even suggesting that we should bring back the death penalty for some serious criminals like John Wayne Gacy. Thank goodness her crazy bill didn’t get killed in the committee, and now it’s going to the House floor for more talkin’. Goodness gracious.

But wait, there’s more! There are some other legislators who are actually looking out for the victims of crime. State Rep. Amy Elik, a good ol’ Republican, is trying to make it a crime for teachers to have any hanky-panky with their students, even if the student is 18. I mean, seriously, that should’ve been a crime a long time ago. What’s wrong with people?

Then there’s this other state rep, Nabeela Syed, who’s trying to stop the law enforcement from using crime victims’ DNA in any unrelated case. She’s all like, “Let’s protect the victims’ privacy,” and her bill passed unanimously. Can you believe that? Maybe there’s hope for common sense after all.

Written by Staff Reports

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