
Dems Sneak Expansive Child Tax Credit, GOP Reps Expose Illegals Now Eligible!

Once again, the Democrats are pushing for an expansion of the child tax credit, and this time they’re trying to sneak it in through a bipartisan deal. But not so fast! Several savvy Republican representatives are seeing through their sneaky tactics and are criticizing the deal left and right.

One of the main concerns raised by Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas is the possibility that tax credits could end up in the hands of illegal aliens. And let’s face it, that’s a real problem. We already have enough issues at the border without adding fuel to the fire by giving more incentives to those who break our laws. It’s about time someone spoke up about this.

But that’s not the only issue at hand. Conservatives are also taking issue with the deal allowing claimants to use higher income from previous tax years to claim larger shares of the credit. That’s just a fancy way of saying it’s a welfare program, plain and simple. We shouldn’t be rewarding people for not only having children they can’t afford, but also for manipulating the system to get more of our hard-earned tax dollars.

And let’s not forget about our friends in high-tax areas like New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. They’re crying foul because they want an expansion of the state and local tax (SALT) deduction. But why should the rest of us have to foot the bill for their exorbitant tax burdens? It’s time for these high-tax areas to start prioritizing fiscal responsibility instead of expecting the rest of us to bail them out.

Of course, the Democrats aren’t happy either. They think that the credit’s threshold should be higher, because apparently $1,800 per year with annual increases isn’t enough for them. It’s the classic case of always wanting more and never being satisfied. The Democrats need a reality check when it comes to fiscal responsibility and the limitations of taxpayer funds.

And let’s not forget about the Senate Republicans who are opposed to the cost offset in the bill. They’re arguing that getting rid of the Employee Retention Tax Credit won’t actually save money. It’s refreshing to see Republicans sticking up for the taxpayers and challenging the wasteful spending habits of the Democrats.

Overall, it’s clear that this bipartisan deal to expand the child tax credit is facing heavy opposition from Republicans for good reason. It’s time to put an end to these wasteful and unnecessary expansions that only burden the American people. We need representatives who will stand up for fiscal responsibility and ensure that taxpayer dollars are being used wisely. Let’s hope they can prevent this bill from reaching that two-thirds vote threshold and send a strong message to the Democrats that enough is enough.

Written by Staff Reports

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