
Denver Court Battle: Will Trump Be Banned from 2024 CO Ballot?

Today in the land of legal battles and election drama, a Denver court is taking on the Herculean task of deciding whether or not former President Donald Trump should be excluded from Colorado’s 2024 election ballot. Now, folks, you may be wondering why on earth anyone would go through all this trouble just to keep Trump off a little ol’ ballot. Well, according to some folks over at CNN, they believe that Trump’s alleged involvement in the Capitol breach of January 6th, 2021, means he should be disqualified from holding any office. But here’s the kicker, my fellow conservatives, the Constitution and Congress haven’t exactly provided clear guidelines on how to enforce this disqualification. Surprise, surprise! So, we’re left with a legal debate in Colorado and some disaffected voters who think they can play judge and jury all on their own.

Here’s the scoop, folks. The CNN legal analyst, Elie Honig, had himself a good old-fashioned back-and-forth with one of their own pundits, John Avalon. Now, Avalon was all up in arms about holding Trump to a higher standard because he’s a former president and all. He was quoting some mumbo-jumbo from the 14th Amendment that says if you participate in an insurrection or rebellion, you can’t hold any office. Sounds like Avalon wants to rewrite the rules to suit his own agenda, doesn’t it? But Honig, bless his heart, pointed out that neither the Constitution nor Congress have made it crystal clear how to actually enforce this amendment. You can’t just make things up as you go, Avalon! I mean, what’s next? Is CNN going to start making up their own constitutional amendments? Oh, wait…

So, these smart folks who filed the lawsuit are referencing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, trying to say Trump should be disqualified because he supported the Capitol breach. They argue that he breached his official oath to uphold the Constitution. Bless their hearts, they’re just grasping at straws, aren’t they? I mean, the whole intent of that section was to keep former Confederate officials from getting back into power after the Civil War. It’s a bit of a stretch to apply it to a former president, don’t you think? But hey, liberals love to take things out of context and twist them to fit their narrative. Can’t say we’re surprised.

Here’s what really gets my conservative blood boiling, folks. If this judge in Colorado decides to rule against Trump, it’s going to set off a political firestorm. You can bet your bottom dollar that there will be a significant backlash favoring Trump. And rightfully so! I mean, how can an unelected state judge have the audacity to take a major candidate off the ballot and strip millions of voters of their say? It’s like she’s saying, “Sorry, folks, you can only vote for Joe Biden because I’ve personally determined that Donald Trump committed insurrection.” Now, that just ain’t right, my friends. But don’t fret too much. Even if this ruling goes against Trump, it’s likely to be overturned on appeal. This legal battle will go through the courts, and I have faith that justice will prevail.

This isn’t the only state where Trump is facing these legal battles. They’re popping up everywhere like dandelions in the springtime. Minnesota, New Hampshire, Arizona, and Michigan are all playing host to these Democrat-driven attempts to keep Trump out of the game. But you know what they say, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. And Donald J. Trump is one tough cookie. So, let them waste their time and taxpayer dollars on these futile attempts. We all know that Trump has the resilience and the fight in him to see this through. So, keep your heads up, fellow conservatives, and stay tuned for the next episode of “Attack of the Trump Disqualifiers!”

Written by Staff Reports

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