
DeSantis Crashes in NH Polls, Christie & Haley Soar in GOP Shuffle!

In a land far, far away… Just kidding, it’s actually in the critical battleground state of New Hampshire, where Governor Ron DeSantis’s once high-flying star is now plummeting faster than a lead balloon. A recent poll by 7News/Emerson College has revealed that only 7% of voters would support DeSantis in the 2024 GOP primary, a significant drop from the 17% he had just a few months ago. Ouch, that’s gotta hurt! Even former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who’s been struggling in most GOP battleground states, has managed to surpass DeSantis with 9% support. Talk about a blow to the ego!

But wait, it gets worse for DeSantis. In the Granite State, Christie has been holding steady at 9% for the past few months, giving him a solid second place behind Trump. Meanwhile, DeSantis has been slipping into single-digit territory, adding insult to injury for the Florida governor. It’s like watching a race car driver suddenly run out of gas while his opponents zoom past him – yikes!

To add salt to the wound, the once-promising DeSantis is now facing the real possibility that his campaign might be on life support. Even Governor Christie, who’s been struggling to stay relevant, has managed to scrape by in the polls and secure his spot in the Republican National Committee debates. DeSantis, on the other hand, is looking more like a kid who’s lost his favorite toy – not a good look for someone who once had his sights set on challenging Trump.

But guess who’s stealing the spotlight now? None other than former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, who’s quickly become the top contender to take on Trump in the Republican primary. In the latest poll, Haley’s popularity has skyrocketed from 4% in August to a whopping 18%, leaving DeSantis in the dust. It’s like a plot twist in a nail-biting political drama – who saw that coming?

And if that wasn’t enough, DeSantis is also trailing behind in a hypothetical matchup against President Joe Biden. In the battle for New Hampshire, Biden leads DeSantis 46% to 38%, with 17% of voters still undecided. Oof, that’s gotta sting! Even Trump, the perennial Republican powerhouse, is struggling to catch up to Biden, with the president leading him 47% to 42%. It’s like watching a tennis match where the Republican candidates are constantly playing catch-up – a game they just can’t seem to win.

But fear not, there’s a glimmer of hope for the GOP in the form of Nikki Haley. According to Emerson College, Haley is the only Republican candidate who would beat Biden in a head-to-head contest in New Hampshire, leading him 45% to 39%. Plus, she’s been busy raking in donations, poaching supporters from her Republican rivals left and right. It’s like watching a heist movie where the mastermind pulls off the perfect robbery – except in this case, it’s all about campaign contributions!

To add insult to injury, DeSantis is losing major donors to Christie and Haley. It’s like a game of musical chairs, except in this version, DeSantis is the one left standing while others snatch up the seats – ouch! So, what’s next for the once-promising DeSantis? Will he be able to turn the tide and reclaim his former glory, or is it game over for the Florida governor? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure: the political arena is one wild rollercoaster ride, and DeSantis is in for a bumpy journey ahead.

Written by Staff Reports

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