
DHS Report Unveils Biden’s Border Crisis Children Slipping Through Safety Nets

In the latest revelation of the Biden administration’s border debacle, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General’s report has tossed a spotlight on a disturbing trend: hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied migrant children (UCs) are flooding into the United States under the watchful eyes of President Biden and Vice President Harris. According to this report, many of these children find themselves at an alarming risk for trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor, overlooked by the very agencies sworn to protect them.

The pipeline of chaos kicks off at the southern border, where UCs are initially detained by DHS before being handed over to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Under the Biden-Harris watch, a staggering 365,705 children have been released into American communities from Fiscal Year 2021 through Fiscal Year 2023. To give this some context, in the last two years of the Trump administration, only about 83,100 UCs were released. This sudden increase raises eyebrows about whether the administration is prioritizing the safety of these children or just looking to bolster the ranks of future voters.

What truly raises the alarm is the revelation that tens of thousands of these UCs are failing to show up for their immigration hearings, leaving U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) unable to track their whereabouts. In fact, the report outlines a shocking shortfall; more than 32,000 children vanished into the ether after being released, with ICE saying they couldn’t even pinpoint where hundreds of thousands of others ended up. As if this is not enough, it was also noted that there are over 291,000 kids who have not even received a Notice to Appear in court, essentially offering them a free pass to hide in the shadows.

The report backs up what many have suspected: this mass release policy has opened the floodgates for child labor trafficking. The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) has admitted that background checks on adult sponsors are performed selectively, and home visits are not always conducted. So, while Biden and Harris’s administration touts its “compassion,” innocent children are being handed over to individuals who may view them as nothing more than a cash cow.

In the grand tradition of deflection that has become all too familiar, some in Congress have attempted to find a solution. Representatives Mark Green, Clay Higgins, and Dan Bishop have been asking for accountability on where these children ended up and who they are living with, but such inquiries often meet with silence or bureaucratic red tape. Meanwhile, the Department of Labor reported an 88 percent rise in child labor trafficking since 2019, with nearly 6,000 children, many of whom are UCs, working in hazardous and often life-threatening conditions. 


With an HHS whistleblower recently labeling this operation a “multi-billion-dollar child trafficking operation,” it seems the administration has sacrificed the well-being of vulnerable children at the altar of misguided immigration policies. The question remains: is anyone in this administration paying attention, or are they just too busy playing political games to care about the safety of these children?

Written by Staff Reports

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