
Did Biden Copy Ground Zero Remark? Kirby’s Sweating to Cover-up!

In a shocking turn of events, Joe Biden has been accused of plagiarizing his remarks about Ground Zero during his 9/11 speech in Alaska. As it turns out, Biden was not actually at the site the day after the attack, despite his claims. This begs the question, why would he make up such an elaborate and false story? Well, it seems that when Biden is faced with criticism, he tends to resort to these “tall tales” as a way to deflect attention. But there might be another reason behind his fabrications.

Interestingly enough, Biden’s description of standing at Ground Zero the next day bears a striking resemblance to the description given by Hillary Clinton during the 2004 DNC Convention. Clinton, who was actually at the site the day after the attack, referred to it as the “Gates of Hell.” Did Biden not only steal Clinton’s line, but also the date? It certainly seems suspicious.

During an interview, NSC spokesperson John Kirby was questioned about Biden’s false claim and whether it was a mistake. However, Kirby was so evasive and slippery in his response, refusing to acknowledge the falsehood or label it as a mistake. Instead, he attempted to spin the narrative by claiming that Biden simply attributed the visit to a “little earlier” than it actually happened. But the truth is, Biden clearly stated he was there the next day, which is simply not true. It’s truly astonishing that Kirby would try to spin such a blatant falsehood.

This is not the first time Biden has been accused of plagiarism. In fact, he had to drop out of the 1988 presidential race due to similar incidents where he not only stole someone’s words, but their personal history as well. It’s not far-fetched to believe that he may have done the same with Hillary Clinton’s words in this case.

It’s truly disheartening to see Biden stoop this low, especially when it comes to a tragedy as significant as 9/11. This incident only further highlights the lack of integrity and honesty within the current administration.

Written by Staff Reports

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