
DOJ Stops Major International Bot Network Led by Chinese National

The U.S. Department of Justice stopped a big international bot network that was doing bad things online. The DOJ said this network was used for cyber attacks, fraud, child exploitation, and more. They caught a person named Yunhe Wang, who is from China. He got in trouble for using bad software and making a sneaky service called “911 S5.”

The DOJ said that Wang helped crooks by hiding their real internet addresses. This made it hard for police to catch them. The crooks did things like make bomb threats, share bad photos of kids, and do money scams. Wang and his friends made and spread bad software to take over lots of computers worldwide, the DOJ explained.

The Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, both talked about the operation. They said it was a big effort with police from many countries to stop 911 S5. They want to show that even on the internet, the law can catch criminals. They said they will keep fighting against cyber bad guys.

Wang spread the bad software by using a special program called a VPN. The DOJ said he controlled over 150 servers in many countries to do this. He let the cybercriminals use the infected devices and get their IP addresses. This helped the crooks do more bad things online.

This news shows how important it is to stop cybercrime. People who use the internet for bad things hurt others and need to be caught. The DOJ and FBI are working hard to keep the internet safe for everyone.

Written by Staff Reports

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