
Dr. Phil Slams Biden’s Border Blunder: Chaos Ignored by “Border Czar” Harris

Dr. Phil McGraw, the legendary daytime television host known for his no-nonsense advice, recently took a trip to the southern border and didn’t hold back in criticizing President Biden’s immigration policies. As he surveyed the situation in Eagle Pass, Texas, Dr. Phil couldn’t help but express his frustration with the Biden administration and their handling of the border crisis.

The footage obtained by Rebel News showed Dr. Phil standing in front of a section of the border wall, a physical barrier that Texas has been using to deter and detain illegal aliens. Governor Abbott has been fighting tooth and nail against the administration’s demands, arguing that Biden has neglected his duty to enforce the laws and protect the American people.

Dr. Phil didn’t mince words when he called out President Biden for his failures at the southern border. He pointed out that the Biden administration’s policies have resulted in a humanitarian crisis unlike anything we’ve seen before. Illegal immigration has reached record levels, thanks to the administration’s wasteful spending and disregard for border security infrastructure.

It’s not just Texas that has been affected by the administration’s incompetence. Dr. Phil highlighted the fact that since President Biden took office, more than 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed Texas’ southern border in just three years. To put that into perspective, that’s more than the population of 33 different states in this country. It’s clear that the Biden administration’s lax approach to immigration has emboldened those seeking to enter our country illegally.

And let’s not forget the so-called “border czar,” Vice President Kamala Harris. Dr. Phil couldn’t help but mock her lack of action when it comes to the border crisis. Despite being tasked with tackling the issue, Harris has only been to the border once. It’s clear that she’s more interested in photo ops and empty promises than actually taking meaningful action.

Dr. Phil’s visit to the border and his criticism of President Biden’s immigration policies have struck a chord with many conservatives who are frustrated with the administration’s lack of action. His upcoming show, Dr. Phil Primetime, will provide a platform for him to continue shedding light on important issues like immigration. It’s refreshing to see a public figure using their platform to speak out against the failures of the Biden administration.

Dr. Phil’s visit to the southern border and his critique of President Biden’s immigration policies have highlighted the dire situation that we currently face. The Biden administration’s approach to border security is a complete disaster, and it’s clear that they are more interested in playing politics than protecting American citizens. It’s time for conservatives to rally together and demand real solutions to the crisis at our southern border. We need leaders who will prioritize the safety and security of our nation over political ideologies.

Written by Staff Reports

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