
El Paso Democratic Mayor Blasts Biden Over Escalating Border Crisis!

Democrat Mayor Oscar Leeser of El Paso has joined the chorus of voices criticizing the Biden administration for its mishandling of the border crisis. Despite being a member of the same party as President Biden, Leeser did not hold back in expressing his frustration with the lack of resources and support from the federal government. He stated that the city of El Paso is at a breaking point and cannot handle the influx of migrants crossing the border and seeking asylum.

This is not an isolated issue, as other Democrat mayors in Texas, such as Rolando Salinas of Eagle Pass, have also criticized Biden for abandoning border communities. Salinas declared a state of emergency in his city after thousands of migrants crossed the border. He criticized the president for not reaching out or offering any assistance amid the crisis.

The situation at the border is no longer just an immigration issue or a matter of border protection. It is now an invasion that the Biden administration seems helpless to address. Thousands of migrants are crossing the border unchecked and un-screened, posing potential risks to public health and safety. The lack of effective controls on the border and the halt in wall construction have only exacerbated the problem.

While the legacy media tries to downplay the severity of the crisis, the American people are growing increasingly frustrated with the Biden administration’s inaction. This issue is likely to be a major point of contention in the 2024 Presidential campaign, and it favors the GOP nominee who will undoubtedly have a stronger stance on border security.

In the meantime, the residents of border towns like El Paso and Eagle Pass are left overwhelmed and angry, while the Biden administration seems to be elsewhere. It’s clear that Washington needs to take immediate action to address the border crisis and provide necessary support to these communities. Otherwise, the anger and frustration of the American people will only continue to grow.

Written by Staff Reports

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