
Emails Reveal Obama-Era EPA Policy Driven by Politics Not Science

Amid whispers of a revolutionary shift in environmental policy, the Trump administration is mulling the possibility of throwing a proverbial wrench in the gears of the Obama-era climate machinery. A trove of emails has emerged, courtesy of Freedom of Information Act requests, revealing a particularly shiny truth about the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “endangerment finding”—the Holy Grail for those clamoring for a “Green New Deal.” Spoiler alert: it wasn’t about science; it was about politics.

The emails expose a cadre of Obama’s EPA regulators busily plotting how to dress up their predetermined conclusions with a scientific bow. Instead of following the age-old principle of letting science drive policy, it seems the bureaucrats were just ready to lace up their progressive boots and march ahead. This curious conduct raises the question: Was the push for climate regulations less about saving the planet and more about expanding the power of a politically motivated agenda? The answer is as clear as the smog they claim to be fighting.

While the Trump administration inches closer to a decision on the endangerment finding that has long been the engine revving the federal government’s climate control frenzy, these emails serve as a neon-lit signpost pointing to prior political shenanigans. Professional climate alarmists and their bureaucratic minions were not just engaged in a scientific endeavor, they were winning the hearts and minds of progressive thought leaders to secure their environmental legacies before the ink was even dry on their scientific references. 


The deeper one digs into these communiqués, the more one encounters the aroma of a rigged system that prioritized ideology over rational discourse. The emails divulge discussions that would make even the most cynical observer question the integrity of the process. This isn’t just about regulatory prowess; it’s about an ideological crusade that was preordained to endanger future consumer choices in the name of saving Mother Earth.

As the Trump era seeks to potentially unwind this mess, it’s crucial to note that the past administration’s witch hunt for climate control information was cloaked in secrecy. The use of pseudonymous email accounts by figures like then-EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson raises eyebrows harder than a morning coffee. With the veil thin and transparency in question, the narrative surrounding the supposed scientific basis for their regulations starts to look more like a sitcom plot than real governance.

With every passing day, it becomes clearer that those in the Obama administration had an agenda—one that, instead of being grounded in factual science, was hovering dangerously close to a politically motivated ideology. As Administrator Lee Zeldin gears up for a review of these shaky foundations, the eyes of the nation remain glued to the unfolding drama. Whatever the outcome, it’s hard not to chuckle at the thought that what was carved as a noble quest for environmental protection was, in fact, a spectacle of political maneuvering that could have been scripted for late-night television. There may be a bumpy road ahead for the left as they reconcile the truths that are being unearthed, and perhaps a few climate warriors might start questioning which side of the debate they’re really on.

Written by Staff Reports

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