
Even House Dems Dump “Bidenomics” as Voters Reject Failure

As the 2024 election season creeps closer, President Joe Biden is desperately trying to spin his economic record as a success, dubbing it “Bidenomics.” However, it seems even some vulnerable House Democrats have seen through the smoke and mirrors and have abandoned the term altogether. Take New Mexico Democratic Rep. Gabe Vasquez, for example. According to a Politico article, Vasquez is being cautious about touting any economic progress. It’s quite refreshing to see a congressperson actually prioritizing their constituents’ concerns instead of towing the Democratic party line. Good for you, Vasquez!

And can you really blame these Democrats for abandoning the term “Bidenomics”? The American people certainly don’t seem to be impressed with the president’s economic record. In a recent CBS News/YouGov poll, a whopping 65% of respondents described the economy as “bad,” while only 29% saw it as “good.” Ouch! It’s clear that Biden’s grand promises of economic prosperity are falling flat with the American people. Looks like his attempts to sell his agenda as a roaring success aren’t fooling anyone outside the liberal bubble.

But the economic challenges don’t end there. A staggering 70% of respondents in the same poll expressed their frustration with their work income not keeping up with the rising inflation. That’s a huge chunk of Americans feeling the squeeze! And don’t get started on the 35% who feel like they’re “falling behind” or the 52% who are barely “staying in place.” These are not the signs of a booming economy, folks. These are the signs of a struggling middle class under the weight of misguided policies.

And guess what? The blame for this economic mess falls squarely on Biden’s shoulders. The poll also revealed that when people hear the term “Bidenomics,” they associate it with higher inflation and higher taxes. It’s no surprise that they feel this way. Just look at the rising gas prices, the surging grocery bills, and the crushing debt burden that the administration’s reckless spending spree has brought upon us. Bidenomics is nothing more than a recipe for disaster, and the American people aren’t buying into the lies anymore.

In fact, another poll conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research in June showed that only 34% of Americans approved of how Biden has been handling the economy. It’s crystal clear that people are waking up to the fact that Biden’s economic policies are not the panacea he promised. It’s time for a reality check, Mr. President.

So, as we gear up for the 2024 elections, it’s important to remember the harsh truth about Bidenomics. It’s a failed experiment that has left everyday Americans struggling to make ends meet. We need leaders who are willing to listen to the concerns of their constituents and take meaningful action to improve the economy, not just spout empty rhetoric. The American people deserve better than Bidenomics. They deserve real, conservative solutions that will unleash the potential of our great nation and bring prosperity for all.

Written by Staff Reports

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