
Exposing the Truth About Drag Shows and Kids

I’m going to say something controversial, but it needs to be said: there is no such thing as a family-friendly drag show! Drag shows, by their very nature, are adult entertainment. They are filled with risqué humor, sexual innuendos, and performances that are anything but suitable for children. Yet, some folks are pushing this narrative that it's just harmless fun for the whole family. It's time to set the record straight.

First off, let's talk about what drag shows really are. These performances often involve exaggerated makeup, outlandish costumes, and provocative dancing. While that's all well and good for an adult audience, it's not something children should be exposed to. We don't let kids watch R-rated movies or attend burlesque shows for a reason. So why should drag shows be any different? The idea of making these events "family-friendly" is just a ploy to normalize what should remain adult entertainment.

Moreover, the content of these shows is usually inappropriate for young eyes and ears. Drag performances are notorious for their bawdy humor and explicit themes. Do we really want our children exposed to jokes about sex, drugs, and other adult topics? Of course not. Children are impressionable, and exposing them to such content can have lasting effects on their development and understanding of what's appropriate behavior.

Proponents of family-friendly drag shows argue that they promote inclusivity and teach children about diversity. But here's the thing: there are plenty of other ways to achieve those goals without compromising our children's innocence. Reading books about different cultures, celebrating diverse holidays, and having open, age-appropriate conversations about acceptance are all better ways to teach kids about the world around them.

Parents need to stand up and say enough is enough. We have the right to protect our children from exposure to inappropriate content. Just because something is trendy or politically correct doesn't mean it's right for our kids. We need to stop being afraid of offending people and start prioritizing the well-being of our children. After all, that's our primary responsibility as parents.

At the end of the day, the push for family-friendly drag shows is just another attempt to blur the lines between what's appropriate for adults and what's appropriate for children. It's time we draw a clear boundary and say that drag shows, no matter how they're packaged, are not suitable for kids. Let's keep adult entertainment where it belongs – with the adults.

There's also the question of parental rights. By pushing these so-called family-friendly drag shows, we undermine the authority of parents to decide what is best for their children. It's not up to schools, libraries, or activists to dictate what kind of entertainment is appropriate for kids. Parents have the wisdom and the right to shield their children from influences they deem harmful. Encroaching on this territory sets a dangerous precedent.

In addition, the normalization of drag shows as family entertainment reflects a larger cultural shift that's troubling. It's part of a broader agenda to erode traditional values and promote a progressive worldview that many families do not subscribe to. By infiltrating spaces that should be safe and nurturing for children, this movement seeks to indoctrinate young minds before they are capable of critical thinking and discernment.

Written by Staff Reports

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