
Fani Willis’ Failed Witch Hunt: Trump Exonerated in Georgia Election Saga

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, oh boy, she just can’t seem to let go of her wild conspiracy theories, folks! According to a report from The Federalist, which we all know is a beacon of truth and rationality, she claims to have evidence that completely exonerates former President Donald Trump and other Republicans of any wrongdoing in the 2020 election. Can you believe it?

But of course, Willis couldn’t resist throwing around the word “conspiracy.” She alleges that Trump, his aides, advisors, and lawyers were all part of some grand scheme to manipulate votes and overturn the election results in Georgia. She even goes as far as to name names – David Schafer, one of Georgia’s alternate electors, and Ray Smith, one of Trump’s lawyers, are among those accused in her ridiculous RICO case.

But hold on just a sec, folks. A transcript of a meeting between the electors obtained by The Federalist tells a completely different story. Schafer, being the voice of reason, made it crystal clear right from the beginning that they were acting as “Republican nominees for Presidential Elector,” not as the “duly elected and qualified” presidential electors. Their purpose was simply to preserve President Trump’s right to contest the electoral count on January 6, 2021. No impersonation of public officers involved here, folks.

Let’s not forget that Schafer and Trump had already filed a lawsuit against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office before this meeting, alleging improper and illegal vote counting. And you know what? They had every right to do so! The recount, which was about as transparent as a brick wall, only gave President Biden a narrow lead of 11,779 votes. Raffensperger, in his infinite wisdom, decided to certify the election results on December 7 while the lawsuit was still pending. Talk about jumping the gun!

So, as the lawsuit was still hanging in the air like a bad odor, Schafer and his fellow Republican electors exercised their right to cast their votes for President Trump. It was all done within the confines of the law, folks. And let’s not forget, this challenge by Trump’s legal team wasn’t some wacky idea they pulled out of thin air. It had historical precedent, because we all know that history has a funny way of repeating itself.

In the end, folks, it’s clear that Willis and her absurd accusations are nothing more than desperate attempts to undermine the truth. President Trump and the Republicans followed the proper legal procedures and exercised their rights. It’s just a shame that some people can’t accept that reality and insist on pushing their outlandish narratives. But hey, that’s par for the course these days, isn’t it?

Written by Staff Reports

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