
Far-Left Panics as GOP’s Phillips Challenges Biden’s Reign

U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips (R-MN) has recently become the target of far-left activists, pundits, and politicians who are clearly threatened by his decision to exercise democracy by running for higher office. Phillips made it official by entering the race in New Hampshire, much to the dismay of those who were hoping he would continue lobbying for a Democrat governor to challenge President Biden. It seems like the Democrats aren’t too thrilled about the idea of having someone alternative to Biden in the primary, as they quickly labeled Phillips as a “threat” to democracy.

Phillips, although partly supportive of Biden’s policies, has expressed concerns about the President’s advanced age and how it could impact the long-term viability of the Democrat Party. He’s not wrong to question whether Biden’s stamina can keep him going for an entire term, let alone another one. But of course, the leftists can’t handle any form of dissent within their ranks. They want to shut down any discussion that deviates from their carefully crafted narrative.

To garner support for his campaign, Phillips has enlisted the help of former Republican strategist turned anti-Trump fanatic, Steve Schmidt. Now, Schmidt may have left The Lincoln Project after it was embroiled in scandals, but that doesn’t make him any less of a danger to democracy, according to the left. They’re turning their backs on him and acting like they never supported him in the first place.

It’s quite amusing to see the infighting within the Democratic Party. Former DNC committee chairman Ron Harris is charging at Phillips, accusing him of “endangering our democracy” simply by challenging Biden’s reign. And let’s not forget the far-left activist and podcast host Victor Shi, who is now apologizing to his followers for giving Schmidt a platform. It’s almost comical how quickly they turn on each other when someone dares to think differently.

Even Schmidt’s former colleagues at The Lincoln Project are joining the chorus, labeling him as a danger to democracy for supporting a rival political campaign. The hypocrisy is astounding. They act as if the Republican Party is the sole threat to American democracy, conveniently ignoring all the issues and scandals within their own party.

Phillips is seizing the opportunity presented by Biden’s decision to be left off the ballot in New Hampshire in protest. The Democrats’ refusal to support the new primary calendar has only fueled the fire. And for those who still believe in Biden, they’ve launched a write-in campaign. It’s safe to say that the Democratic Party is in disarray, but what else is new?

In the end, it’s clear that any attempt to challenge the status quo within the Democratic Party is met with disdain and cries of “threat to democracy.” They only want their chosen candidate, their preferred narrative, and any dissenting voices are quickly dismissed. It’s no wonder they’re so afraid of someone like Dean Phillips who dares to think independently and offer an alternative to the Biden presidency. Let the infighting continue, because it’s quite entertaining for the rest of us.

Written by Staff Reports

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