
FBI Plants Spy on Biden Clan as Hostage Crisis Ignored!

Forget about the Hamas hostage crisis, the real scandal is the FBI’s army of informants feeding information on the Biden family’s alleged shady business to the J. Edgar Hoover Building. You see, the media has been too busy praising Joe Biden for the recent Israel-Hamas ceasefire to notice that none of the Americans held by terrorists have been set free. Typical liberal media, always overlooking the important stuff!

The FBI, apparently, has not just one, but a whopping 40 people feeding them information about the Bidens, dating all the way back to Joe Biden’s time as vice president. Senator Chuck Grassley discovered that these informants provided criminal info about the Bidens, and were managed by multiple FBI field offices across the nation. But here’s the kicker: the FBI task force in Washington tried to shut down the reporting from these sources by labeling it as “foreign disinformation.” Classic FBI!

But wait, there’s more! Grassley’s letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, obtained exclusively by Fox News Digital, revealed that despite the FBI’s efforts, at least one informant’s info was vetted by multiple U.S. attorneys’ offices and found to have “no hits to known sources of Russian disinformation.” In other words, the FBI’s attempts to discredit the information were a bust.

Now, you might be thinking, “Well, with all the terrorist threats going on, maybe the FBI is just trying to do their best to keep us safe!” But this isn’t the first time the FBI has dropped the ball on important cases. They allegedly let a slam-dunk child pornography case slide to focus on persecuting January 6 suspects. Sounds like they’re more interested in playing politics than upholding the law.

In the end, it all comes back to one thing: Democrats getting away with it. The FBI’s interference might just buy enough time for Joe Biden to skate by on all these allegations, or even escape consequences altogether. It’s like something out of a Whitey Bulger movie! So while the media is off singing Biden’s praises, the FBI is pulling some serious shady moves behind the scenes. Keep your eyes peeled, folks.

Written by Staff Reports

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