
FCC Reveals Full Kamala Interview CBS Maligned for Selective Edits

In a move that could only be classified as the latest episode of “How Not to Edit,” the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has unleashed a full, unedited transcript from Kamala Harris’ interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes.” This revealing moment took place in response to a complaint from the Center for American Rights, claiming that CBS was less news organization and more PR agency for the beleaguered vice president.

In their never-ending quest to elevate Harris’ credibility, CBS dramatically edited the interview, managing to make her jumbled responses a tad more palatable. They aired only parts of what she said, carefully omitting the moments where she stumbled into incoherence, such as in her attempt to address Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s apparent deafness to the Biden administration’s entreaties. For those hoping for clarity from the vice president, this full transcript serves as a messy buffet of word salad.

Not only did the FCC release the transcript, but CBS, in a bid to portray itself as the unlikely bastion of journalistic integrity, rolled out its version of events. It claimed that their edits ensured clarity and representation of the vice president’s points, as if cherry-picking just the right phrases could mask the underlying chaos of her argument. CBS insists they were guided by a moral compass, but many are left scratching their heads, wondering if that compass was indeed upside down.

While Harris attempted to convey that the Biden administration’s efforts were somehow prompting positive movements from Israel, the end result was an entirely different flavor of confusion. She claimed the U.S. would “not stop pursuing” clarity on the conflict, leaving many unable to figure out what was actually necessary for that clarity. Instead of shedding light, her remarks only deepened the darkness, which CBS valiantly chose to address by editing and reshaping her statements into tidy soundbites.

As far as journalistic integrity goes, CBS reminds viewers that the network is no stranger to trimming its interviews to fit airtime. However, in this case, the manipulations apparently served a higher purpose – to polish up Harris for her crumbling reputation just as the world entered an election year. This is rich coming from a network now facing a $10 billion lawsuit for election interference due to its questionable editing choices, showing just how far the establishment media will go to prop up its favorites while raking their opponents through the mud.

The fallout from this debacle highlights the lengths to which media companies will go to protect political allies, potentially fueling rumors of a settlement with President Trump over their editing tactics. CBS may soon find itself alongside ABC and CNN, who’ve recently succumbed to settlements in their own defamation cases. As the narrative crumbles, conservative America watches closely, prepared to shine a harsh light on every obfuscation and every instance of media malfeasance that comes their way.

Written by Staff Reports

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