
First Lady Praises Girls, Ignores Biden Abuse Claims

First Lady Jill Biden welcomed a group of girls to Washington this week for the International Day of the Girl. While it’s great to see young girls empowered and advocating for important causes, one can’t help but notice the hypocrisy in the First Lady’s silence on the allegations of abuse and harassment against her own husband, President Joe Biden. It seems like she’s more interested in championing girls’ voices than addressing the serious allegations against her spouse.

Among the girls present was Mona Cho, a 15-year-old student from California. It’s commendable that she’s dedicated to combating online harassment and abuse. However, it’s worth noting that the Daily Breeze also highlighted how Cho opposes efforts to keep sexually explicit material out of schools. As a conservative, it’s alarming to see young girls being influenced by the left’s agenda that undermines traditional family values and promotes explicit content to our children.

Despite her silence on her husband’s alleged abusive behavior, Mrs. Biden praised Cho and the other girls for their advocacy work. While it’s important to encourage young people to be active in their communities, it’s equally important for our leaders to address their own issues. By ignoring the allegations against President Biden, the First Lady is sending a message that abuse and harassment allegations only matter when it’s politically convenient.

It’s also worth noting that just three months ago, Axios reported that President Biden routinely yells profanities at his staff. If these allegations were made against a Republican President, the media would be in a frenzy and demanding answers. But because it’s a Democrat in the White House, the liberal media conveniently sweeps it under the rug. The double standards are staggering.

Let’s not forget that President Biden has also been accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer. The media was quick to dismiss her claims and protect Biden during the 2020 election. It’s clear that allegations of abuse and harassment are only taken seriously by the left when it aligns with their political agenda.

We believe in holding all leaders accountable, regardless of their party affiliation. It’s disappointing to see the First Lady ignore the allegations against her husband while praising young girls for speaking out. Our leaders should lead by example, and that means addressing these serious allegations head-on. The American people deserve transparency and integrity from their leaders, even if it’s uncomfortable for them.

Written by Staff Reports

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