
Gaffe Alert: Biden’s Blunders Prove He’s Lost the Plot!

So, it’s no surprise that ol’ Joe “Quid Pro Quo” Biden was fashionably late to his own presser about the damning report filed by Special Counsel Robert Hur. I mean, this guy can’t even remember what time it is, let alone important dates in history! The report is as scathing as his mental lapses, noting his inability to recall crucial moments in his VP days and even when his own son died. 

But Biden, in all his simmering glory, tried to brush aside these forgetful fumbles, insisting that he’ll always remember his son Beau’s passing, though he couldn’t quite recall where he got the rosary to honor his son’s memory. 

The media went in for the kill, bombarding him with inquiries about his memory blunders and advancing age. Biden, in classic fashion, rambled about his record and legislative wins – which, let’s be real, are about as solid as Jell-O.

He called the president of Egypt the president of Mexico! Is there a geography lesson in the works for ol’ Biden?

But here’s the real kicker: when CNN tried to spin this as a non-issue, former Obama flunkies and Biden advisers chipped in to defend his mental competency, putting up a lame ‘he’s old just like Trump’ argument. 

In a shocking turn of events, even CNN’s best efforts couldn’t erase the glaring truth: Biden’s mental slip-ups are all out in the open, and no amount of media spin can change that. This presser was supposed to be a redemption act for ol’ Joe, but it ended up being a highlight reel of just how unfit he is for the presidency.

So, as the Hur report continues to haunt Biden and his team, it’s clear that his memory blunders and age-related issues won’t just vanish into thin air. The Democrats might want to dig out their best damage control strategies because Sleepy Joe’s mental gymnastics aren’t fooling anyone.


Written by Staff Reports

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