
Gaza Backstabs Israel, Rejects Lifesaving Fuel Aid Amid Global Drama

Many of the individuals who constantly criticize Israel and demand a ceasefire are the same people who remained silent after the horrific Hamas massacre of Jews in Israel. They either tried to justify the barbarism or even celebrated it. These people were also opposed to Israel’s right to defend itself after the massacre. It is important for Israeli leaders to stand strong against these voices and ignore their immoral demands.

One of the recent targets of their misguided criticism is Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza, which Hamas has been using as a command center for terrorist activities. Hamas intentionally places their weapons and operations in civilian neighborhoods and facilities to make it difficult for Israel to strike back. They use living civilians as human shields and then use dead civilians for propaganda. Hospitals are one of their favorite locations to exploit.

As the Israeli military closes in on the Al-Shifa hospital, Hamas is doing everything they can to prevent the IDF from taking out their headquarters. They have been spreading stories about the hospital running out of power and fuel, putting innocent lives at risk, including babies. However, it is important to remember that Hamas recently slaughtered Jewish babies and is currently holding others hostage. Israel values civilian lives and has tried to minimize the impact of the firefight. They have offered to evacuate patients and staff from the hospital and have even provided fuel, despite Hamas’ history of using humanitarian aid for terrorism. But what happened next? They rejected the fuel because accepting help from Israel would be a win for their enemy. They prioritize their anti-Israel agenda over the lives of their own people.

It’s not just Al-Shifa hospital that Hamas exploits. They have been operating out of a children’s hospital, using innocent children as hostages. This should provoke outrage from every civilized person, but many remain silent. They cannot defend this, so they ignore it or come up with conspiracies to explain it away.

It is important to recognize the stark contrast between the pro-Israel rally being held in DC and the violence and hatred seen on our streets and campuses. And it raises the question: are leftists truly concerned about “rape culture” or is it just a political tool that conveniently doesn’t apply when the victims are Jews?

Written by Staff Reports

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