
Google’s AI Wokes Up History: Cancels White Men as Popes!

In a shocking turn of events, Google’s AI chatbot Gemini has been caught spewing ultra-woke and completely false images in response to user prompts. As the New York Post reports, instead of producing historically accurate images, Gemini churned out ridiculous depictions like a female pope, black Vikings, and even gender-swapped versions of famous paintings and photographs. Can you believe it?

When asked to create an image of a pope, Gemini completely missed the mark, generating photos of a Southeast Asian woman and a black man in papal garb. Um, hello! All 266 popes in history have been white men. It’s like Gemini was functioning in an alternate reality.

And who is to blame for this debacle? None other than Google’s own product lead, Jack Krawczyk. This guy has a history of spouting anti-white rhetoric. He’s been caught whining about supposed discrimination faced by his black colleagues, going as far as to rant about being asked to show a boarding pass for an Economy Plus seat. Cry me a river.

And get this – Krawczyk also had the audacity to tweet about “white privilege” being real and even made a completely outrageous comment about Jesus only caring about white kids. It’s like he’s living in a fantasy land where facts don’t matter and history can be rewritten to fit his skewed narrative.

Thankfully, Google has finally come to its senses and announced a pause on the Gemini AI image generator, acknowledging the tool’s serious inaccuracies. But let’s be real, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the left’s attempt to rewrite history and demonize white people. Stay vigilant!

Written by Staff Reports

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