
GOP Heroes Battle Biden’s Plastic Gun Ban Overreach

In a courageous act of standing up for the rights of law-abiding gun owners, nearly 75 Republican members of the House of Representatives are demanding that Speaker Mike Johnson oppose the reauthorization of the antiquated and unnecessary Undetectable Firearms Act (UFA). This law, originally enacted by the 100th Congress in 1988, has no place in modern society and infringes on our Second Amendment rights.

Under the UFA, any firearm not detectable by a door-frame metal detector or other security technology, commonly known as “ghost guns,” is banned from manufacture, sale, or import. Sounds reasonable, right? Wrong! This law is nothing more than a big government overreach and an assault on our freedom.

House Republicans are demanding that Speaker Johnson reject the reauthorization bill passed by the Senate in July of 2023. It’s about time someone stood up to the Biden Administration, which has already proven its willingness to weaponize the UFA to implement a plastic gun ban. Congress must not cave to these liberals who want to disarm law-abiding citizens.

Not only are Republican representatives taking a stand, but they are also led by two true patriots – Republican Reps. Andy Ogles of Tennessee and Thomas Massie of Kentucky. These individuals understand that our rights should not be compromised by outdated laws and bureaucratic regulations.

Furthermore, this fight is not limited to Congress. Twenty-seven gun rights groups, including the Gun Owners of America and the National Association for Gun Rights, have joined in opposition to the reauthorization of the UFA. Their voices cannot be ignored. It is clear that there is a strong movement against this law, and it’s time for Speaker Johnson to listen to the will of the people.

The letter sent to Speaker Johnson also raises concerns about the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) attempting to redefine the terms “frame” and “receiver” of weapons. This would have significant implications for how firearms are regulated. Conservative groups have been vocal in their opposition to these changes, and they have every right to be. We cannot allow the ATF to impose effective bans on guns through regulatory overreach.

The Undetectable Firearms Act is an affront to American principles and an unnecessary infringement on our rights. We applaud the Republican representatives and gun rights groups who are fighting against this reauthorization. It’s time for Speaker Johnson to take a stand and protect the rights of law-abiding citizens. Our Second Amendment is not negotiable, and we will not back down in the face of liberal attacks on our freedoms.

Written by Staff Reports

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