
Green Scheme Exposed: Left’s $7M Plot to Hijack GOP for Biden’s Agenda!

Breitbart News has recently obtained a sneak peek at a highly confidential 66-page document from the American Clean Power Association, and the insider details it reveals will surely have conservatives shaking their heads. According to this exclusive leak, the lefties are secretly scheming to pressure Republican lawmakers into safeguarding the green energy subsidies that President Joe Biden magically pulled out of his hat. Yes, you heard that right! These sneaky environmentalists are cooking up a devious plan to twist the arms of the GOP and make them dance to Biden’s tune on green energy.

The document, dubbed the “February 2024 Board Memo,” spills the beans on the American Clean Power Association’s elaborate plot to keep Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) intact at any cost. No, the IRA didn’t actually reduce inflation, but it did give Biden a golden opportunity to splash oodles of cash on his ambitious green energy agenda. And now, the environmentalist group is ready to shell out a mind-boggling sum of over $7 million from its overflowing coffers to strong-arm the Republicans into keeping the IRA’s green energy provisions unscathed.

But hold onto your hats, folks, because the shenanigans don’t stop there! The document delves into the nitty-gritty of ACP’s master plan, revealing their cunning strategy to cozy up to establishment Republicans and twist their arms until they fall in line. They’re even eyeing certain states, like Iowa, Kansas, North Carolina, and South Carolina, where they think they can flip some GOP members to their green cause. Not to mention their laser-focused efforts in Texas, where they intend to splurge a staggering $4 million to push their radical green energy projects.

To add insult to injury, the ACP has drawn up a hit list of Republican House members and Senators whom they plan to harass, intimidate, and cajole into supporting Biden’s green energy agenda. These underhanded tactics expose the leftist environmentalists’ desperation to cling onto government handouts. After all, when your entire business model is built on government subsidies, it’s panic stations when a new administration strolls through the White House doors.

Conservative firebrand Tom Pyle of the American Energy Alliance didn’t mince words when he slammed the left’s extravagant spending spree, labeling it a desperate attempt to prop up an unpopular and unworkable agenda. Pyle scoffed at the lefties’ feeble attempts to buy influence and protect their ill-conceived policies from the inevitable backlash.

As the leaked document lays bare the left’s frantic maneuvers, it’s crystal clear that their green energy scheme is on shaky ground. Their clandestine ploys to strong-arm Republicans into submission only serve to highlight the astonishing lengths they’ll go to preserve their pet projects. One thing’s for sure – the left’s desperate bid to cling onto government largesse speaks volumes about their hollow and unpopular ideas.

Written by Staff Reports

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