In the ongoing saga of cultural chaos, Greg Gutfeld shines a spotlight on what he considers a more insidious threat than the infamous wokeism. While many might be quick to slap that label on almost everything these days, Gutfeld points out that there’s a far more troubling beast prowling the media landscape: unrelenting anti-Trumpism. This media phenomenon has not only twisted public discourse but also wreaked havoc on policies that affect Americans’ everyday lives.
According to Gutfeld, the media’s relentless crusade against Donald Trump didn’t just challenge his policies; it fostered a climate of mass delusion. By refusing to align even the most basic truths with Trump’s positions, they have crafted an alternate reality where real issues are brushed under the rug. This relentless narrative has resulted in some of the most detrimental decisions made in recent history, shaping the very framework of American politics.
One glaring example Gutfeld presents is the dramatic rise in crime across the nation. The media’s reluctance to acknowledge the clear link between crime rates and leftist policies demonstrates a willful ignorance. Admitting that progressive policies contribute to crime would mean conceding a point to Trump, and that’s apparently a bridge too far. Instead, theft and violence have become run-of-the-mill occurrences, with a direct line to increased recidivism rates.
Gutfeld also highlights how the media’s anti-Trump fixation has skewed discussions around immigration. By ignoring the repercussions of unchecked illegal immigration—like increased violent crime and strained national resources—the media has chosen narrative over truth. This failure to grapple with reality has led to preventable tragedies, not to mention chaos at the southern border.
And then there’s the COVID-19 pandemic, where the media’s obsession with discrediting Trump led to disastrous consequences. Gutfeld recounts how the suggestion of the virus having originated from a Wuhan lab was dismissed as a conspiracy theory, purely to dodge any association with Trump’s pronouncements. While they scoffed at plausible theories, they resorted instead to spurious tales of bat soup. Moreover, the media’s derision towards hydroxychloroquine—an option Trump had touted—gained traction despite evidence suggesting it could have significantly reduced COVID fatalities.
What's Worse Than Wokeism? Greg Gutfeld Explains. #PJMedia
— Matt Margolis (@mattmargolis) January 1, 2025
Lastly, the media’s protective bubble surrounding President Biden has stifled honest discourse about his capabilities as a leader. Acknowledging Biden’s shortcomings becomes an ideological battleground where dissenters are branded as supporters of Trump. This kind of reporting leads to what Gutfeld perceives as a rudderless country, left adrift amid chaos and confusion.
Gutfeld wraps up his assertion by declaring that the landscape of American media has become a breeding ground for delusion, driven by resentment and immaturity. He urges viewers to disregard the media’s panic alarms—which he argues they have manufactured—and encourages individuals to reclaim truth over ideology. Perhaps, Gutfeld suggests, it’s time for the public to laugh off the alarmists and start picking up the pieces left in the wake of their destructive narratives.