
Hamas Plots Israel Invasion as Biden Fumbles: Iran Aids Terror

According to a senior Hamas official, Ali Baraka, Hamas has been hatching its evil plan to invade southern Israel for the past two years. That’s right, folks, while President Joe Biden was busy failing at his job and orchestrating a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, Hamas was quietly scheming their next terrorist attack.

In an interview with Russia Today, Baraka revealed that Hamas had been diligently preparing for this attack for a long time. They have even set up local factories to produce all the weapons they need to wreak havoc on innocent Israeli civilians. Rockets with various ranges, mortars, guns, and bullets – you name it, they’ve got it.

And who’s been aiding and abetting these terrorists? None other than Iran, that’s who. Iran, the same country that the Biden administration has been so desperate to appease with their disastrous Iran nuclear deal. Yet another example of the Biden administration’s weakness on the world stage.

But it doesn’t stop there, folks. Baraka also had the audacity to suggest that Hamas is interested in a prisoner swap with the United States. Just like the disastrous deal Biden made with Iran, where they released dangerous criminals and received a boatload of money in return, Baraka wants the same treatment for Hamas members sentenced for life in the U.S. Unbelievable!

But let’s not forget the most outrageous claim Baraka made – that Biden himself is a partner to this aggression against Israel. He argues that since Biden declared his support for Israel in the face of Hamas terrorism, he must pay the price. Can you believe the nerve of these people? Blaming the victims and twisting reality to fit their twisted ideology.

Baraka also mentioned that only a handful of Hamas leaders were privy to their plans, while the organization’s public face pretended to be “rational.” What a sneaky move! It’s clear that Hamas wants to hide their true intentions and make the world believe they are simply governing Gaza peacefully, all while plotting their next vicious attack.

This interview with Ali Baraka shines a light on the dark underbelly of Hamas and their sinister agenda. It serves as a reminder that we cannot afford to be weak in the face of terrorism. It’s time for the Biden administration to step up and take a strong stance against these terrorists. Our ally Israel deserves our unwavering support, and it’s time to hold Hamas accountable for their evil actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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