
Hamas Survivor Escapes Thanks to Trump’s Peace Moves: Biden Fails Others

In a heartwarming moment of gratitude and relief, one brave American survivor of Hamas’ brutal attacks on Israel expressed his deep thanks to former President Donald Trump for his role in enabling his escape to safety through a neighboring country. Yitz Friedman, a courageous individual, shared his story and appreciation for President Trump as he boarded one of the few flights that managed to evacuate people out of Israel and into the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It was only through the establishment of diplomatic ties between Israel and the UAE under President Trump’s administration that Friedman and countless others found a way out of the devastating carnage.

Friedman, who is associated with the esteemed American Accountability Foundation, took to X, a popular social media platform, to publicly express his gratitude towards President Trump. In his heartfelt message, he highlighted the fear and anxiety that he and fellow citizens experienced during the days of violence in Israel. He specifically mentioned the cancellation of flights by almost every airline, including their own flight back home. It was only thanks to the newfound partnership between Israel and the UAE that Friedman and his wife were able to embark on their journey back to the United States.


Describing their perilous journey, Friedman recounted passing through multiple armed military checkpoints to reach the airport in Tel Aviv, underscoring the tense atmosphere prevailing in the region. However, their arduous efforts paid off as they found themselves safe and sound in Dubai, awaiting their connecting flight to the United States. This incredible opportunity, according to Friedman, was made possible due to the historic peace treaty known as the Abraham Accords, which was signed in 2020 between the UAE and Israel. He also acknowledged the crucial role played by President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who spearheaded the administration’s Middle East initiatives.

Friedman genuinely lauded the Abraham Accords and expressed his belief that such flights from Israel to friendly Arab countries would have been unthinkable without Trump’s efforts. He went on to emphasize the sense of danger and turmoil engulfing the Middle East, highlighting the fact that American flights dared not venture into the region. In contrast, the historic peace agreement facilitated by President Trump provided thousands of American citizens, including himself, with a way home from this perilous situation. Friedman concluded his message by acknowledging the positive impact of the peace agreement in a region that seemed to be imploding.

This heartening escape story serves as a promising sign for numerous Americans who are still stranded in Israel, anxiously awaiting their own paths to safety. Unfortunately, President Joe Biden’s suggestions for these individuals have fallen short, leaving them with uncertain futures. While major airlines have halted travel to and from Israel amidst escalating tensions with Hamas, it is evident that President Trump’s visionary Middle East initiatives have had a tangible impact, offering a glimmer of hope even in the midst of chaos.

Written by Staff Reports

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